KoRn makes it all possible to get our asses hyped up and ready to go out there and kick some fucking slope! MuAh
OKAY story time! hehe...once upon a time, melinda and I were sitting up in Phsyics class (and dont think that just b/c we are in physics we know what the hell we are doing! hehe) anyways, yeah, we were in physics class and had nothing to do...so, we decided to go fur fishing (dun ask) this task got old quite fast so Melinda starting pulling things outta Emily's butthole (yet again, dun ask) but it is QUIET interesting how THAT came about...hehe. anyway...so, yeah, class was getting quite old and melinda happened to run across some string...ohh damn did that cause some ruccus! the room suddenly become one humongous fucking spider web...yes, it was cool...it was very cool. We are like...ditch queens now b/c like...school gets old (notice a pattern) so towards the end of physics class melinda got some damn deranged idea to like...go down the 11,000 ft tall hills in colorado and ride some damn slippery boards down there and dodge little kids and trees...oh yesss...this was very cool! Somehow we figured out how to manuever our asses around on these contraptions and seemed to master the bunny slopes quite easily...yess...dun, dun, dun...its time for the *GASP* BLUE RUNS!! and OMG...there is one hella awesome half-pipe...oh yes..it WILL be ours. but anyways...we are flyin down the mountains and shit..."MY NOSE HAIRS ARE FROZEN...DAMMIT HOOK UP THE HOUNDS...WE WILL NEVER MAKE IT OUT ALIVE!!"..."SHIT MY ASS IS STICKING MY CLOTHES...DAMN THAT WAX!!!" hehe...and so, yes, the story will continue. But, below is a picture of the DAILY HIGHLIGHT! Yessss...the DAILY HIGHLIGHTS!! we will have more posted! SO umm...come back sometime and check out what other dumb things we have to say, aight? well, peace and ENJOY!
OkAy~ more exciting stories...yup, they are in order according to date...would that be chronological order? HmMm...anyway...click on each link to see different days we decided to post up! Till then...lates!!
*dROoL* YeSS gImmE MORE!!
NO!! Get my YuPpY snoWboArdINg MOthA'F'In Ass Back HOME! tehehe