Whuddup, HOMIES...
Welcome to tha page dedicated to My GuRL,
Jazz Wiley has got to be one of the most awesome people i've ever met. Since i've moved to colorado and met this girl, she has ALWAYS been there for me. Even when im in those really fucking pissed off moods and i want to kill someone...shes there for me. She is true to herself and others and doesnt bend to fit any image. Jazz is Jazz and no one dares tell her differently. She has fucking awesome music taste which is fucking great b/c i can drag her along to all my punk shows..YeEHAWw! no, actually, she drags my ass...but anyway~
If you wanna learn more about this girl
to her page! So yeah, theres tha goods on her...below are some pictures of jazz and some of her friends...hope you enjoy! My love, respect, and trust goes out to this girl! *HuGSSS* ~Heatha'

This is Jazz and her bitch Athena...

This is Jazz and her usual pose...YUMMY!

Here is Jazz and her best friend Michelle...
Well, thats about it! So if you want more...go to her page like i said before! ORRRRR you can go back to my page...hehe